Dear Nelda:
Once again I want to tell you and Kaye how very much I enjoyed my visit. I arrived in Altoona around 8 o’clock. Mr. Edwards met me an from there to Sproul found everyone as usual nothing unusual on Sunday James, Bessie + Katherine drove Charles and I back to S.R. so here I am back in the mountains.
Gee ain’t we having the rain, on the way home we had a terrible storm in State College and another in Altoona, and so far this week it has rained everyday and cold I am sleeping between blankets again but you know me I never than out.
Everyone here is getting ready for Memorial Day Mr + Mrs Peters are going to Du-Bois for the weekend so I am chief till Monday night - Charles and I will sleep and read I suppose, I have no special plans.
I am looking forward to your visit now anytime will suit me you know you all have a standing invitation with me, so you make your plans and let me know just when I may expect you.
Nelda I really would like if you could arrange to come up sometime in June now for just this reason. Our plant is closing down completely the first of June of course Mr Peters has been working in Blue Ball for the past months. They might just take a sudden notion and move there now of course I will always be at my place here but it is not so convenient as down home. You know me have bath and so on. Now please don’t think I am rushing you but at my room you would have to rough it a little like Sproul. Everything is really so clean looking now in the mountains.
How are all your folks? I guess your mother is all done cleaning by now.
I am going to Philipsberg this afternoon to do some shopping that is our nearest shopping center. Nelda I forgot to mention it but I do hope you didn’t sugar from that wetting the day I left.
Does Kaye still like his ice cream that kind is delicious I don’t blame him up here we have no home made places unless we make it. I am going to write Wolfie a note also. Once again Nelda just make your own plans and let me know anyway you want to arrange it will suit me. Till then – Love Madalynne