Our Own Dearest Harr –
Hi!! I had a very enjoyable day yesterday and its something I won’t forget in a hurry! We went around the fleet in the afternoon and there were just hundreds of ships anchored off out out there and as we passed each ship all the sailors were waving.
The most [unclear word] thing we saw was when we first were starting to go down the lines we saw the Russian Sailors up on deck doing their national dance and on our return trip we were just coming up tot he Russian ship when she started to fire her guns in a salute and the Captain of the tug we were on went almost alongside of it and there were all the sailors lined along the decks and their band was playing the Russian anthem and there was Malik going abroad – we saw him inspect the [word unclear] and then they put on a demonstration for him. On our way back to the Dockyard we saw the ship the Queen was going on and it was really beautiful – they were all working like beavers on board making sure that everything was perfect – it was 5:30pm and she was due on board at 7pm.
So we went home and had tea then we took the kids down to see the Queen as she came through on her way to the Dockyard (it was as far as from [unclear word] to 27th street that she passed to where mom lives) and Ailene had a front view and we all got to see her very well – she looked really beautiful and its something that Ailene will have to remember for a while.
Ailene said afterwards “I waved to her and she waved back but I didn’t really recognize her – she wasn’t wear her crown or dress that showed her shoulders” and I guess she’s so used to see her in a crown and an off the shoulder dress. Tonight we’re going to my aunts at Portchester to see the fleet lit up – we’ll go up on the hill, we’ll get a perfect view from there – Ailene will have an awful lot to tell the kids when she gets back.
Did Alan have his tonsils out yet? Oh no! It’s tomorrow isn’t it? But by the time you receive this it’ll be all over I suppose!
Well dear, take good care of yourself – write us soon– The family send their regards – All of our love, hugs and kisses
Ailene, Cheryl & Sandy