[incomplete letter]
With my family and always would. She said that I listened too much to what other people said. She told me to take my own advise and would get along much better.
She said that I am working now but would like to make a change. I like my work and work hard at it, but would like to make a change. She also told me I’m a very changeable girl.
What do you think of that fortune?
I never believed in Fortune-tellers but some of the things she told me were awfully true.
The other day, Steve sent me a beautiful pillow cover. But it can’t beat yours because yours is a Sweetheart pillow cover.
As yet, no one still hadn’t heard from Creamy. He must be being moved.
Homer has gone back but I haven’t his address yet to send you. I haven’t seen Bea because she was up the Lake on her vacation. Just as soon as I see her, I’ll get Homer’s address and send it to you. And then I’ll write to Homer telling him where he can go to see you. Homer + Bea broke up for good.
Hon, do you write to your Mom? I hope you write to her as often as you do to me. I hope you can straighten out that matter about me to your Mom because that is one of my big worries. But maybe I shouldn’t worry about it as the fortune-teller told me.
Mat’s younger brother left for the Navy last week. But Mat is still here. He must be 4-F.
I saw Jennie Saturday and she told me how sore Colla was. She doesn’t know what to do. She said that she writes everyday. He must not receive all her mail. She said that she’s going to write twice a day now to make sure he gets at least 1 letter a day.
How is Moe? Tell him not to get so sore at his girl.
Jimmy from New York went AWOL again. He must be crazy. Write soon, hon.
All my Love,