Hello Ranny:
I’m sorry to answer this late but they’ve been working the hell out of us. Well now to talk about the G.F. Elmber is a damn good boss, the best we’ve had yet. The new ship is not very hard to make except for a ammunitions case in it. “Ruke” leaves for the ARmy tomorrow (July 21, 1943). About raising the rates they raised it 4 tips but they didn’t raise our wages a cent.
Creamy is going to school now and he was just transferred. Thanks for the picture. Send some a little bigger so I can see what you look like?
I think all your boys are gone now I don’t see any of them anymore. Well Ranny I have to go to work now (3 to 11) so be good.
Your Pal, Freddie
P.S. The G.F. gang says hello