Dear Folks,
(The first part of this letter is recopyed as I started it before I called you this morning and am finishing it later in Fayettesville.)
“As you can see I am writing with a Post Office Penn. I got up earlyto make a phone call home, and forgot my pen. I placed the call at 8AM and am now waiting for it to come through.
So here we sit waiting (one of the fellows from the training lottery is making a call to his wife) They have placed a limit on the length of the calls now 5 minutes. I think its a very good thing as it gives even chance to everyone. One time I could come over here for 8AM and pace the call get it in 5 minutes where as if today I had to wait till everyone talked a half hour, I be here all day.
I see now by my “Weston” watch its after 10am. My call will be coming through soon now I hope. (I can hear you all saying “Well its after 10am Bills not calling today” and I have to laugh)
Since I wrote you late last night there isnt anything much to say.
Well, Henry and I are getting to play checkers till calls come through.
So, so long, Will be talking to all you soon —-I say this with my last accat you by writing a hole letter with a post office pen”
Same day after call in U.S.A. in Fatalburg
I can still hear Ma saying “Only 5 minutes” when the operator told her the length of the call.
Boy! That was some fast talking to three people in 5 minutes. However it does give that personal touch you can’t get in letters, it sets you strait that all is well.
The fellows were laughing at the rate I was talking and change people, they thought I was talking to 5 people. “Ellie”, “Mom”, “[unclear]” + Eleanor because I used all those names. One a minute they were saying “He sure got his moneys worth!”
After I hung up we eat lunch at the service club our cook was there I ask him how come he was eating at the club. He replyed it was his day off and he only had to cook the food and wasnt required to eat it I told him how I wrote you of various dishh and you like them, he felt quite good.
Took a shower after lunch (just because it is the first time I wrote of taking a bath it doesn’t say its the first one I have taken) (Did I say lunch, well we had chicken if you have chicken for lunch.) Then Walter and I went to town to meet “Pauli” + “Syd” but we were late. We went into the movies and saw Arabian Nights over again boy was that a swell picture. We are now at the U.S.C. waiting for the boys.
All the windows are open, we are sitting at a desk drinking orange soda they are serving, that is how warm it is down here. Last night we couldn’t sleep well as know one gave the order to shut the fire off and I had my “longies” on. (The sergeant had the fan on in his room) we were still telling jokes and listening to the radio at 11:30.
We saw some nice Valentines in our travel so we bought them in Fayettesville – thing go so fast. I am holding yours in the picture (which didn’t turn out so food, but its me).
Now the program is about to begin and the boys are all here will tell you about it in next letter as I am not sure what it all about myself.
Dad asked why I didn’t call more often. It takes so long and now you talk such a short time that it seems well much waiting. If however you want me to call at any time just let me know and I wait a year in line, other wise I call once or twice a month so do stay in waiting it will always before noon on Sunday. Ma said the operator said afternoons were good, not from N.C. as it has to go through Washington and they are always calling in the evening though. The weeks aren’t any good either as all the boys are calling then. Most are too lazy to get up on Sunday and those who do get a brake. I place the call eat breakfast receive the call and then eat lunch not a bad system.
About the sweater if you haven’t bought it yet don’t get it as I’m sure I won’t need it any more after January the weather got mild here. After the last two weeks I don’t want it any warmer.
Last night we heard crickets chirping who could ask for anything more.
At Saturday’s inspection they ask [unclear unclear] Army Commander, your regimental commander etc and the training battery boys new more than I did about the old fellows, thanks to Captain Corey.
Well, I’ll close my book as the show is coming on.