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  • Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

February 9, 1913.

My own dear Girlie

What do you think of your boykins I’ll warrant you think he has forgotten you, far from it dear, and never could of.

Oh sweet heart how I long for you, and oh how I wish you were here now to hold my poor throbbing head it just seems as tho the top of head would brake right off.

Dear one I suppose you think I should have written you now, and so I would have but we made a cut off last week and declared a dividend which made me lots of work.

This is what we usually do the 1st of March when I use to be so busy, but Mr. Garrison is going away the 18th of this month so we had to do it before he left.

Well dear I got my first check for dividends just think of your boykins drawing a dividend check.

I got my trunk last week and to day I put some of my worldly goods in it and some of yours.

Oh Darling how I wish I could hold you in my arms and have a long talk it just seems as tho something is taking you right away from me.

Oh my Dear Girlie how I wish I was coming up there next week but circumstances will not permit it.

My very own dear Girlie I must stop for my head aches so that I have to hold my head with one hand which I write with the other.

My dear this is not the letter I intended to write you to night. But my head hurts so that I can hardly think.

Sweetheart I have to work to morrow night but will try and do better than this Tues.

Goodnight my very very own dear Girlie.

Don’t forget your lonesome Boykins Geo for you know how much he love you don’t you dear.

Goodnight my Dearest,

Your lover


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