Mary Vonk
Hatertseweg 584
Hatert Wr
December 25, 1945
Dear Vera
In the first place a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year from Dutch people.
You may be surprised to hear from us but we know your sister Jean.
We met your sister last summer she was stationed here in our village last summer in the UNNRA camp. My brother was there quite often and one night he came home with her to pay a visit at our house for she didn’t like that camp.
She always called my brother General Montegomery because he was wearing a Canadian uniform. We haven’t heard from her since she left Hatert.
How we would ask you if you will be good to write us for a small note back and tell us some about her and will you give me her address at least if she’s still in the army.
I am a sister of Chris and have only seen her once and I’ll never forget that cigarette she gave. They are very hard to get here so I’ll ask you if you could send me some and I’ll send you a nice souvenir from Holland.
I’m 17 years old and my brother is only 12 years.
Well dear Vera I’ll close now hoping to hear soon from you.
Kindest regards and Best Wishes from Brother Father and 9 children but special regards from Chris and myself.
Your Dutch Friend
Mary Vonk