Dearest; Mother;
Received your xmas card and was glad to hear from you I also got Helens and Tonys letter: Well Mom how was Christmas and how is every one at home: I am feeling good and I had a good xmas dinner we had turkey and every thing else to go with it: I am home sick for Puerto Rico I wish I was back there again: When i came back I passed by Rose Papps place and I also passed and stayed near Mrs Edrecker's place but I couldn't write or call or go out to see them thats as close to home I was since I am back in the states; I was up as far as North Carolina last Sat + Sun: I had a swell trip I drove a big truck up there: I get awful cold during the nites while I'm in bed cause kick the covers off while I'm in bed. Well Mom if Johnny comes home I won't have the car I'll be home in January some time but I won't stay long cause I'm going to visit some of friends while I am home: I have to visit a girl that I never saw she writes to me every week whether I write her one or not so I promised her that I will see her: And I want to spend my time out in the New York so I'll see you first and if Johnny is home I'll see him also but I won't go out with him: cause I want to go out by my self and have a good time: Please send me Mrs. Edrecker's address cause I lost all my addresses when I came back so I can stop off and see her:
Say Mom I'm sorry I have to ask you for money again but if I don't get any I won't be able to get home cause my buddies he is home now and when he comes back before I go I could borrow money off of him the round trip ticket cost $21:05 to New York and I am going to go to New York cause it is easier to get home from there than Philadelphia: So if you don't have any get some off of Andy: I'll need about $25:00 I did not get paid and I won't get paid before March so the $30: I got paid the fellow I owed $10 and I bought things I had to have and I've got $10 left to buy my cigarettes and toilet articles so if you can get me $25:00 send it by the 5th of January so I can buy my ticket.
Well Mom I hope you had a sweet xmas: I had a wonderful xmas but it rained all day:
Love + Kisses
Pvt. Homoki
Please (write)