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  • Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

August 10, 1931.

Dear Cicely,

I am sure you will be thinking by this time that I had forgotten all about you, it seems so long since I had your last letter, but I have been very busy this last week and didn't get time to write. I must apologise then before going any further for my delay in replying, but don't think that my neglect meant that you were entirely absent from my thoughts -- not by any means. For more than a week now, Cis, we have been having glorious weather here -- brilliant sunshine and cloud less skies. I have been out working the hay every day -- getting as brown as a beny. There were a lot of visitors in the neighborhood -- some from England but most from Scotland, and we had dances nearly every night -- so you see I was enjoying myself. I wish you had been here though: we would have had a good time together wouldn't we, baby?

Have you got a position yet -- I haven't : not as yet do I see an possibility, at least for some time. But I can get plenty of other work about home, but then you don't get as much money for that kind of work. I'll bet you have a job a lot sooner than I -- but you won't forget me when you get mixed up with figures and items, and business correspondence, will you?

I have never seen Bob during all this time, though he lives only about ten miles from my place. It won't be so very long now till he will be going back to St. Mary's. The only thing that would appeal to me in that neighborhood now would be the chance of seeing you. I'm afraid I am going to be frightfully jealous when Bob goes back, but then maybe he means more to you than I do. I had hope and still hope otherwise. I miss you dreadfully now, and somehow I wouldn't like to think anyone could mean as much to you as I did. I know, Cis, I shouldn't have said that; it seems so selfish and presumptuous on my part, and I am hesitating now ether I should burn this page or not but I think I'll not and I hope you will let it pass. But you see, Cis, I'm frightfully fond of you, and I should like to think the affection was mutual.

Well, Cicely dear, I had not meant to put so much of my feelings into this letter, but there -- I have got it off my chest one way or the other -- and what's done won't be undone. It's bed time now , so I'll have to ring off now and all I ask if that you won't follow the bad example I have set in answering letters or rather not answering letters. Please write soon, Cis, and I won't be so long in replying again.

Cheerio now, and lots of love, from your very affectionate friend.



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