My Own Dearest Har–
Hi dear!! any thanks for your very welcomed letter I found on arriving here– must say it really was what I needed. Golly you really had a mean trip back from New York didn’t you babe? Hope you’ve fulled recovered by now!
Don’t ask what a time I’m having with the kids– until they get adjusted– when we got off the boat Thursday at 9pm I was ready to snap– arms were loaded and Cheryl was awful cranky and wouldn’t walk, Ailene was still very weak and tired and was crying to “get on a plane and go home to DaddY”. By the time I cleared customs, (luckily they took pity on me and didn’t even open anything) then looked for my family– they wouldn’t allow a single soul into the customs enclosure, and I had to struggle through by myself– but there they were waiting for me at the gate and was I relieved.
They had hired a cab and it brought them to Southhampton and took us back to Porstmouth— was I relieved that we didn’t have to go wait at the station for a train!!
My mom - sister - brother & aAunt met us and when we got to Portsmouth, around 11pm– my Uncle was waiting with my two counsins and they had a big spread for us.
Everyone talks so off we can’t understand them– nor they us– and everyone is just fascinated by the children– they neighbors keep talking to them just to hear their accent. Jackie is just wonderful to them– plays with them, takes them out – they just love him and won’t leave him alone – but when he’s not here they are asking for you– as long as they are occupied they aren’t too bad but when they get too thinking – Oh Boy!!– It’s 11pm now– the clocks on on an hour by the way tonight) at 10pm they both awakened screaming – and when I went up they were hysterical for you– (if only you were here – oh me!!)
By the way dear, my sincere thanks for the lovely card you sent me– its really beautiful – glad you still love me.
My aunt is talking os coming over to the U.S. next year– and Mom & Rita hope to make it in three years, when mom has to retire.
What’s this new responsibility they are giving you? Gee whiz you worry enough now– you couldn’t possibly manage anything else– just take good care of yourself dear. Whatever you do, please.
Did you get time to call the Globe yet babe? Oh! By the way, did you pay the rent? (I hope!!)
My mother is spoiling me– when I get up in the morning she has all the kids clothes washed, diapers included – and they won’t let me lift a finger. Monday I have to go get ration books for us – they don’t have hardly anything here and I’m not kidding. Ailene saw cheese in a shop window and wanted some so I went to ask for a ½ lb and was told that it was rationed at 2 oz a week– I felt as big as a cent. Everyone stares at us – they can tell we’re Americans.
Well dear, please write me real soon – and take very good care of yourself. Regards to Mom – Lollie, Dave & the Boys – and all the neighbours. Tell mom Cheryl keeps asking for her!
All our fondest love,
Sandy & Kids
Don’t forget- write soon